When I was writing about you

People live with many separation.

I lived in twenty-something years with some people coming and going inside my life. Yes, any separation means another gate opened for a new meeting.

I'm not talking about 'significant others' if you refer to lovers. i'm talking about generally people around you.

Friends, family, neighbor, or maybe in my case... mentor.

I've never been so upset in any separation since, we're actually just few meters away. Or maybe if it's far enough there's always a technology that can make you connected to.

Well in this case, in my case, Everything still the same. The technology is exists. the distance is not far away. it's just I don't want to separate now.

I hate the feeling of separation with someone that i'm comfortable with. even-though i know that we still able to communicate. Everyday life. we'll always Going home by our-self  but when the separation word emerged the 'going home by our-self' will be different. The word "see you tomorrow" seems like turned into.... Goodbye. And we're not going to meet again.

That's not necessarily true, but... It will stuffed me enough

I still haven't spend much time and ...... i'm staying here left behind.

I know why. and I'm 100% agree in his leaving, and it's also a pleasure to hear he's comfortable enough in the new place. it's just my ego stuffed me with a feeling that i still want to spend time learning together.

Why i'm not being much? If I seek a job for a long time, get a job that actually i don't know anything about and he's the one that 'push me to this darkness' (that's what i always said to him) and I.... even happy getting pushed by him.

I don't know anything, he's the one that taught me.

I have final exam, he's the one that tutoring me.

I still had to learn he's the one that I asked and giving me any answer.

I got assignment because of him.

I got a task and he help me,

I guess I got too much comfortable with him.

is it to much? Yes.

However, that's me, when i'm comfortable with someone. 

I haven't say enough thank you for him. and haven't spend much time or even being in team member-leader relationship.

I feel really grateful getting a good seonbaenim* that i even comfortable in sharing anything. I haven't say much thank you, not even a help and only being a bother in his busy-timeline. I don't say much, but I just hope that he knows that i enjoy spending time with him and hopes it won't bother him. I still hope he becomes my team lead or partner or even my manager later on.

I also hope that we can meet in one project later on. Working as a team.

Since it still a wish, not even a granted wish, i'm disappointed with myself and the whole situation.

And let me enjoy it for a while.



*means Senior

Review Believe: Hoping for A Definite Chance Encounter For Langit Biru

"We've learnt from Romeo and Juliet, right?"

Siapa yang tidak akan belajar dari kisah roman sepanjang masa itu? Hanya orang bodoh mungkin yang tidak belajar dari karya Pujangga itu. Langit, pertanyaan itu tidak seharusnya kamu ujarkan kepada seseorang. Tapi mengapa, saya cukup puas ketika kalimat itu terlontar dari bibirmu untuk Biru-mu? Kamu pergi. Sekarang, Langit sudah tidak bersebelahan dengan Biru, Ada mendung turut berpesta dalam perpisahan itu. Yogyakarta dan Mesir bukan jarak yang dekat untuk bisa bertatap muka. tapi kamu Langit tidak memilih untuk tinggal dan tetap memberikan Biru bagi Yogyakarta.

Wahai Langit, kamu tahu apa yang saat ini Biru-mu lakukan disela peninggalanmu?

Mungkin ia tidak menangis. Ia sibuk. Sibuk dalam untaian kalimat indahnya, bertutur akan aroma musim panasnya, bertutur tentang aroma kehilangan. Ya, namanya Faris. Masa lalu memang, namun apa bisa waktu menghilangkan seseorang yang selalu menjadi buah bibir yang tiba-tiba membuat kisruh di sekolah dan mengajak Biru-mu untuk pulang bersama? Kamu cemburu? tidak perlu. Kamu bisa percaya akan Biru-Layla-mu. Ia menolaknya, dan meninggalkan aroma pahit di hatinya. Biru-mu tidak tahu, hari itu hari terakhir ia bisa berbicara dengan aroma musim panasnya, Faris. Biru-mu hanya mendapat pesan bahwa aroma musim panasnya itu sangat ingin bertemu dengannya lagi. Entah kapan.

Sementara kamu? Ya aku tahu Langit, kamu tidak perlu berkilah atau menyembunyikannya. Kamu sibuk dengan dongeng musim gugurmu tentang teman-temanmu di sana. Aku ingat saat kamu bertutur tentang nasihat temanmu.

"Pada saat kamu jatuh cinta, jatuh cintalah. Karena, mungkin setelah itu, kamu tidak akan jatuh cinta sedalam itu lagi. Karena mungkin itulah yang akan menjadi cinta hidupmu."

Karena... karena... masih banyak alasan lain untuk bertemu dengan cinta. aku mengerti, Langit.

"Untuk Cinta yang mungkin menjadi cinta hidupku, Biru..."

Amin. hanya itu yang terucap dariku. semoga termasuk dalam daftar 40-amin mu.

Terima kasih..... sudah berbincang denganku, Langit.

Salju belum turun di halaman, tetapi sudah ada sonata menari di daun telinga saya. Di Musim dingin ini saya bertemu Layla. Si Biru yang biasanya mendampingi langit. Saya menyapa, basa-basi, sampai kepada bagian dimana saya bertutur bahwa saya bertemu dengan Langit tidak lama sebelum saya berjumpa Biru.

"Aku ingin bercinta denganmu dengan penuh dendam, Langit."

Itu respon pertama Biru dari cerita saya. Ada kerinduan yang membara. Benang merah itu belum putus, masih mengikat mereka berdua. Saya tidak ingin memancing kerinduannya pada Langit. Saya sudah tahu persis rasa itu. Saya justru sibuk bercerita tentang Sang Penguasa Angkasa, penguasa bernama Morra Quatro yang mengendalikan Langit dalam Kepercayaannya. Dia Believe terhadap anak didiknya Langit yang Biru. Saya bercerita akan kisah Sang Penguasa, tentang kisah cintanya yang terpisah jarak seperti Langit dan Layla, tentang keindahan kalimatnya yang membentang angkasa, dan tentang kekuatan cintanya, tentang kisah cinta indahnya yang terurai dalam sebuah plot sederhana namun terbungkus dengan untaian mutiara kata yang indah. Cerita yang sungguh sempurna untuk menguras hati. Barangkali, dengan itu saya bisa memberikan suatu yang membuat Layla-Si Biru merasa believe akan Langitnya di sana

Langit.. yang mungkin sama, dan mungkin juga berbeda.

Saya dan Layla berbincang tidak ingat waktu. Salju sudah mencair, dunia sudah penuh dengan warna. angkasa bersemi di musim ini. Dan Saya baru menyadari akan perjalanan sang teman, Si Waktu, yang sudah berlari meninggalkan kami berdua. Saya membantu Layla dalam penantiannya menunggu Langit. Juga membakarnya kedalam rasa merindu yang semakin dalam.

"Langit... akan pulang pada Biru kan Pa?"

Hati saya miris, mendengar dan menyaksikan percakapan anak-dan-ayahnya itu. Saya datang untuk membantu Biru. Kenyataannya saya datang untuk membantu Biru, sekaligus menghancurkannya. Seperti mengobati, lalu menaburkan garam diatas luka Biru.

Saya ingin menjawab.

"Hanya Morra Sang Penguasa angkasa yang tahu akan takdirmu Biru. Hal yang sama juga berlaku untuk Langit. Tapi percayalah, kisahnya selalu indah. Untukmu dan Langit."

Tapi saya hanya menahan dalam hati. Saya tahu, apapun itu hanya akan menambah kerinduan Layla. Obatnya hanya satu: A Chance Encounter, with Langit. Saya mengurungkan niat. Berbalik kembali ke angkasa.

Sudah saatnya Saya berhenti mengganggu Langit Dan Biru. Saya sudah harus membiarkan aroma Jasmine dan Faris mengharumkan perjalanan mereka. Juga Rara,Rasya,Attar dan Rein. Saya tidak bisa membocorkan kodrat Sang penguasa Angkasa untuk menentukan takdir anak-anak didiknya. Saya mungkin bahkan sudah melangkah terlalu jauh untuk mencampuri kehidupan mereka. Saya bukan Sang Penguasa Angkasa. Dan Saya harus berhenti disini, kembali menyerahkan wewenang pada Morra Quatro Sang Penguasa Angkasa.

Namun, Saya hanya bisa meninggalkan sesuatu. semoga Layla dan Langit Believe kalau akan ada A chance encounter buat mereka. Saya tahu itu. Saya tahu kapan. Saya hanya tidak boleh membocorkan bagaimana. Satu hal yang boleh saya bocorkan Sang Penguasa Angkasa Morra Quatro, sangat pintar untuk membungkus perjalanan anak-anaknya dalam suatu keindahan akan hidup versinya. Saya harap, Biru.. dan Langit.. Believe akan hal itu, dan berdoa untuk itu.

Saya juga turut mengucap untuk daftar 40-Amin Kalian berdua, La,Lang. Sampai bertemu di kemudian hari. Saya mungkin tidak akan bertemu kalian lagi, sampai Sang Penguasa Angkasa , Morra Quatro, memberikan kesempatannya.

"Tidak. Cinta tidak mengenal Waktu. Walaupun Hanya Waktu yang tahu seberapa berharganya Cinta itu."

Best Wishes. You Two.


:Beberapa kutipan diambil dari Novel Believe Morra Quatro. Semoga gak kena SOPA-PIPA-ACTA dkk:
:Digiles truk gandeng:

Oneuldo............. In Fiction.

Mirror-Mirror on the wall,

It's me, do you remember?

This night I'd like to speak randomly. just thinking. have you ever dreams of something really impossible? I know you can't speak, just... listen.

I have a random thought. just like some people dreaming about how to turn into opposite sex of yours. it's so random. no, please don't think i'm a pervert. a guy always dreams to be a girl so that he can go to some-private-place-for-girl. I'm not like that for sure. it's just, when I'm a girl... I can have oppa.

by the way do you know oppa? it's how korean female address her lover or her older male who has a close relationship with them.

Now, I just can be an oppa, and even a connection between hyung-dongsaeng in this country is not like in seoul. the warmth is different.

just a random thought dear mirror.

My Lord Mirror, to be honest do you know why? or do you want to know why?

today... I got a chance to read a novel. it's Orizuka and Lia Indra Andriana's Works called Oppa and I. it's a light reading material. as light as the book itself.

I found it fun. Jae In- Jae Kwon. My mind goes all around to a sit-com named All My love with Jo Kwon and Ga In casted as a siblings. a male character with a cheerful type and female character who act bluntly. they also have similar name right? JaeIn-GaIn and JaeKwon-JoKwon. I'm smiling remembering how I watch Adams Couple in past.

page by page, as far as I reading, I always smiling. I'm imagining if I talk to Jae In, will she said "Neo Jugeosseo?" to me. it can be translated as "do you want to die?" I also want to tease SeungWonnie, " No, Jaein, joayo?" or just make JaeKwon angry "Ya! Ukkijima. JaeIn seungwon. kkeut."

I'm weird yes, i guess i am.

but do you know, mostly people afraid to kill and saying do you wanna die is just an excuse to the person he/she close with?

it shows any warmth.. for me. I know the world is going crazy day by day, but, who wants to kill his/her own twins siblings if she angry because he didn't contact her for five years? kill is just an excuse.

Family, friendship, brother-sister relationship,

High school love,

it's a time when you feel warmth growing inside in a life. it's a phase when you still find anything is fun... and you want to turn back time and paused there with your lover and friends.

i'm feeling it. a person who can deny time. "ukkijima". People will say that to me. yes! I know. I understand. I'm not at an age to dreaming about superpower. arayo. algenni.

do you know what's the best of Oppa and I?

Mirror. If I'm God, I surely will join Orizuka and Lia to make JaeIn and Jae Kwon separated again. Do you know how much i like to see those two showing affection by expressing anger to each other. I have million plots on how to separate them.. and I will happily be a God-that-replacing-them-in-a-situation-so-that-they-can-realize-their-love-towards-each-other.

Sequel or Prequel, I have plenty of ideas that surely can be executed well into this stories. it's because the story itself is fun. the story that can help the readers to imagining many things related to the story and build a light story about the character. a simple story with strong characters that make you curious to read while smiling.

Oppa and I surely a worth reading material. do you know how much I smile while i read this? A L-O-T.

Nevertheless, you know what mirror? I found something bothering too. an unfinished ending. I feel pity to JaeKwon for his ending. and a whole conflict is finished in a flash.

The korean writing sometimes bother me too, since the author usually used p instead of b (for example pangapseumnida) or k instead of g (for example keunyang). I' learning korean as 'P' is formed by double 'B' and 'K' formed by double 'G', even if it reads as 'p' or 'k' it still written in 'B' and 'G' except for the real 'k' and 'p' or when they write a name. a little bit different with i've been learned about so it's bothered me.

And I also find the situation where Sa Ra and Ha neur comes to JaeIn 's house. I found that usually a house or apartment in seoul locked by electronic device. especially if the Area is GangNam (it's like an elite area in Seoul), i wonder why JaeIn's house didn't has it. it stated that JaeIn Lazily open the door even without looking at who's coming from the door. it's like a not match culture from my standpoint...

a little bit loss but it's not bothering a whole story.

anyway I found this book fun, so I guess I need to talk about it to you dear mirror.

And I also need a place to share about my weird thoughts, while dreaming.

maybe, i can live like a drama like what been told in this novel.

maybe I can be a great oppa.

or maybe i'll have an oppa....in another Life?

or maybe I just have it. Oneuldo.... in fiction.

*closing the stories while listening to Beast's Fiction*

Two is Better Than One. In A Different Way.

Once in 2011,

I Live to an expectation of one name : Donny Dhirgantoro.

Have you read 5 cm? yes! after 5cm, bang Donny comeback to the bookstore with his 2nd book titled 2. it's been a looong looong time since it released.

I bravely going with an expectation based on the author names.

2 is the title of the novel. The red covered book, with reddish story since you will know what it means to have a hope and fight for it till the last blood dropped.

2 bercerita tentang seorang Gusni Annisa Puspita. in a way where she wants to fight, to eradicate what doctor said, to break people expectation and to swap her family tears. She just want to live happily. She brave enough to love, and will love bravely.

She's ordinary in an extraordinary way.

She born with her specialty. live specially, and fight specially.

I never set a-book-about-fighting-a-diseases as my preference since it's too cruel to expose the victims of the diseases. However, this reddish cover slap me in my face.

it's like sincerely says "Open up your eyes. telling diseases not always means to expose bad thing. You have to learn!"

And that's what I got.

a story about Gusni who born specially and live always with hospital-doctor-and medicine at any points wants to do sports. almost impossible, but you have to try to see how this little girl live and fight optimistically.

and telling me two points that I have to had now.

first is about how to love your country.

and the second is what is purity in love.

This book majority tells us about Gusni and her family. How the story begins with the DOB day when God send Gusni to her parents. bringing up facts. How her family find facts about her, hate her, protect her, love her. Until the day she wants to share those love back to her Family, Her friends, her country and her lover.

Gusni love Badminton, although her physique couldn't afford it. She wants to do badminton and dreaming about going on a match with her older sister and fight for Indonesia with those health.

and Gusni told us, what it means to love someone. even she's not a mature-lady.

two thumbs up for those two points, eventough I have to deduct some points for old-years-preference-that-hardly-related-to-people-nowadays. Bang Donny comes with a set from 1986 to 2005 which not satisfy and match with most of readers now. deducted some points for that.

anyway. Two is still better than one: 5cm. when you try to see it and finish it. it just gives a difference story, a different way to uproar your nationalism. and teach you how to love, person.. or your country.


I'm not Salmon Lovers, I love eating at Warteg. An angelic review with devil besides me part 2

I got upset today. I want to buy Believe by Morra Quatro, Orizuka and Lia's Oppa and I and also Manusia Setengah Salmon by Raditya Dika. just, try to saving penny by penny and finally I got a day to but a book. I set my priority like I serialized those 3 books above and decide to buy Believe first. But, Gramedia's Computer Said that Believe's Stock is equals to... 0. *going crazy* *rolling on the floor*

And then I decided to bought Manusia Setengah Salmon.

I Love Radith's books and Marmut Merah Jambu at most because of its maturity. and hearing some comments saying that MSS is not as funny as his first book, I thought that MSS stay closed with Marmut Merah Jambu's genre.

I got it right, but I'm not satisfied.

I got curious since I enjoyed MMJ for its fun and serious story. Many of those-fangirl also stated that MSS is fun to read, they laughed a lot. And I also Found that some people said that MSS is so seroius. I .... Just hope MSS will going to be MMJ-like-story with an upgraded how-to-write.

And I found it... downgraded.

A total of 18 Section, I can give my opinion in each parts :

first :
for part 2,4,6,9,11,12,14,15,17 : Totally Not my preference. I hate it the most. I Skipped most of these sections. roughly just read some sentences and illustrations then going for another sections.

Part 1 : I Love How it Ends not How it Starts and in the middle of story.

Part 3 : I don't like how he put humor here. Too little. it's like just some minority sentences try to tweaks the story but end up eaten by other parts, the serious parts. Nevertheless the serious parts is lovely.. until before ending.

Part 5 : I still have a mistery about : "Rata-rata, Warga Jakarta rugi sekitar enam jam per hari karena macet, setara dengan 7 hari seminggu" what's the meaning of this part? a jokes? or a typo? i didn't get the meaning. However I'm satisfied with this section although a little bit dissapointed at first about the subject of story.

Part 7 : I LOLed hard at Lemon Soup story. and this is the time the author starts for a long writing for a sections. although it cut into some sub-sections. some works, some not.

Part 8 : I only love mid-to-end. not start to mid.

Part 10 : Got Boring... to long huh?
Part 13&16. I read it enthusiastically. Love this part.

Part 18 : A smooth for an ending. a little bith short so it feels rushed but clearly stated for a move on theme. I also love this parts.

8 versus 10. Love it vs Hate it.

A little bit disappointed for a pricey books.

Sometimes, being to good is also not good. I got this phrase from MSS and I can use it now. MMJ got better a lot, and I kind of having a high expectation for MSS and then falling from it.

well speaking of good, I got something too from this book. something different from Radith's previous 5 books. I found a lot of purity and sincerity of Raditya Dika among his relatives and families. We know that Radith often make fun of his friends of family which shows a lot affection actually from him to them. However, in this book, I found him more serious in delivering those affections.

I got touched reading that. Nevertheless, no one can get touched for many times at same periods, so, sometimes I feel touched and get tired only from reading this book. I feel like eating my favorite foods for straight 10 days, and then Gosen's Law applied into me. getting bored of it. I guess this also becomes why-i-didn't-enjoy-this book-much.

another, I can predict the jokes like blablablabalablablabla untung dia ga blablablabla atau bahkan kalau blablablabla. (like the parts when he tell us about how his mother always exaggerated everything , hopefully she didn't tell the doctor who cut my penis, cut it until it gets lost) and I'm sick of it. I can find it many of them in this book. the funny parts don't work for me, the twitter-type-jokes didn't works for me, then the serious parts which giving continuous slaps works for me. and then I'm full of it until I can bear any kind of slaps. then get bored. that's another why.

I can count, that I laugh only less than a hand fingers for this book. I didn't really get it. Maybe I grow up into people who loves eat at warteg while radith loves eat Salmon, or Radith grows up with his Salmon Jokes, While I can't afford Salmon. or it's just not my time for eating Salmon, I just have to eat at warteg. or maybe..... I'm not Salmon Lovers, I love eating at warteg, but they love Salmon. perhaps.

* a two stars come out from five stars*

I'm sorry for the editors and proof readers,or even the author.. But I got my right to dtated my clear opinion, right? ^^

*Still Hoping for a better next books*

.......................................ps: anyway anyone feels Dio's illustration getting different? and the script at the illustration becomes like Dio's not Radith's too :D